Levée de fonds 3 millions par le groupe NGX robotics

The NGX group announces a fundraising round of €3M to support its growth

An innovative leader in the mobile and collaborative robotics field, the group announces its first round of funding totalling 3 million euros from AQAUITI Gestion and GT Logistics. This operation marks a significant milestone in our development and demonstrates the confidence investors have in our brands’ potential. A key point in our growth.

Set up 15 years ago, the NGX Robotics group now has a 35-person strong team and in 2022 booked a consolidated turnover of €10 million. The group has offices in France (Mérignac, Paris and Lyon) and in Germany (Berlin).

AQUITI Gestion, a major player in equity investment in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, which has more than 200 million euros under management and over 200 companies in its portfolio, took part in this fundraiser. In addition to its equity stake, AQUITI Gestion provides valuable expertise and an extensive network of partners.

Furthermore, GT Logistics, an existing shareholder, has reiterated its confidence in NGX Robotics, by increasing and extending its investment. The continuous support we get from GT Logistics demonstrates its recognition of the group’s strategic vision and our unique positioning on the robotics market.

The funds raised will be used to fund the growth of the different NGX Robotics activities, and to reinforce our internal structure. This injection of capital will accelerate the development of our products and services, extend our presence on new markets and ensure we continue to offer our customers cutting-edge solutions. We aim to consolidate our position as a major player in service and industrial robotics in France and Europe, seeking to play a leading role in the sector.

“As CEO of NGX Robotics, I would like to extend my thanks to our existing investors, especially GT Logistics, for their trust and continued support. We are also delighted to have AQUITI Gestion on board as strategic partner in this new growth phase” said Jérôme Laplace, CEO and founder of the group.

He went on: “We are convinced that this fundraiser will strengthen our position on the robotics market, enabling us to seize new opportunities and achieve our ambitious objectives. Our talented and devoted team is fully committed to providing innovative solutions and meeting our customers’ changing needs.”

We are delighted to accompany Jérome Laplace and his team in this new development phase for the NGX Robotics group. We were attracted by the coherence and complementarity of the group’s activities, its strong local commitment and its ability to seize promising opportunities despite the vagaries of the crisis. We are convinced that the group has the potential to consolidate and extend its position as European leader in robotics distribution and also in autonomous mobile robotics, in particular with the GR100 robot. This is the fourth investment from the Relance Nouvelle Aquitaine (RNA) fund, which was launched by AQUITI Gestion in July 2022.” said Lydia Seraline, Investment Director at AQUITI Gestion.

➡️ About GT Logistics

GT Logistics was set up in 2001 by Eric Sarrat as part of a family business venture which has continued for nearly a century. GT Logistics makes 100 million euros in turnover and has over 1400 employees. It was certified as a Great Place to Work in 2022.

➡️ About AQUITI Gestion

Established in Nouvelle-Aquitaine for 25 years, AQUITI Gestion is an AMF-approved management company, specialising in equity investment. Its team of 20 professionals spread over three offices, Bordeaux, Limoges and Poitiers, gives it a regional foothold as close as possible to Nouvelle-Aquitaine companies. With over €200M under management, AQUITI Gestion covers all local companies’ needs, from innovation loans, through equity investments, to companies at the seed, creation, development or transfer stage, thanks to its dedicated teams and funds. This strategy enables us to finance start-ups and SMEs/ETIs from €10k up to €10m, and to help them address ESG-T (Environment, Social, Governance and Territory) issues.

AQUITI Gestion has invested in NGX Robotics through the Relance Nouvelle Aquitaine (RNA) and Aquitaine Création Investissement (ACI) funds.

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